Dnes je:

What to do when the siren sounds

(It does not apply to the acoustic siren tests, they are always preannounced.) 

Warning people is one of the most important civil protection measures. It is carried out by the siren warning signals. Most commonly they are complemented by means of mass information media (radio, television, municipal radio report). 
The sound of sirens always means some risk. It warns of the possible or actual crisis situation, which endangeres lives and health of citizens, property and the environment (threat type is given by tone and duration of signal). All citizens in this situation act to their ability and by instructions issued by the competent authorities. It is necessary to hide in appropriate area or leave a threatened area. 

The warning signals of civil protection

Signal name Used in the case Method of warning
General threat Threat or emergency as well as the possibility of extension the emergency effects 2 minutes warble tone of siren
Threat caused by water Devastating effects caused by water 6 minutes constant tone of siren
End of threat End of threat or end of the emergency effects 2 minutes constant tone of siren without repeating

Addition Signal is supplemented by the spoken word through the mass information media 
2 minutes constant tone of siren test is always carried out on the 2nd Fridays of the month, in terms of valid regulations.

The 1st 
Hide immediately
- If you are outside – Hide in the shelter or go into the nearest building and ask the owner for the temporary refuge as soon as possible (mill, office, shop, public building, private apartment, house, etc.) 
- If you are at home - assemble the whole family and keep the house, 
- If your children are in the school - do not try to pick up them from the school, it will be on them cared for, 
- If you drive a car and hear the warning signal - park and seek shelter in the nearest building. 

Close the windows and doors 
- Create an isolated closed area - close and seal the windows, doors and ventilators, turn off air-conditioning (a leaks has to be sealed, a larger leaks can be sealed by fabrics soaked in water with soluble detergent, foamy material, cement etc.) 
– A closed area reduces person threat

The 3rd 
Get on the radio or the television 
- via radio and television you get information about situation, reason for warning and what to do, 
- in case of power cut use the battery operated radio. 

Leave the hiding only in case of security. Information about situation you can get through the media.


In case of threat, about that you can be notified through siren, radio station, television, press, a local radio or citizens, try to follow the following principles: 

• KEEP IN MIND that the most valuable is human life and health, saving property is the last 
• RESPECT and try to obtain information via official sources (radio, television, local radio etc.),
• PROTECT yourself, PROVIDE first aid and mutual assistance in emergency, 
• DO NOT SPREAD startling and unverified news, 
• WARN the other vulnerable persons in your immediate vicinity, 
• DO NOT PHONE (only it is necessary ), because the telephone lines are overloaded in emergency 
• DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE the situation, 
• HELP neighbours (the old, sick and paralyzed people, take care of children) 
• OBEY instructions of rescue team staff, state administrative bodies and local authorities. 

055/6419 239, 055/6419 273
comk@kosice.sk, co@kosice.sk