Dnes je:

General principles

If you become eyewitness of emergency, call immediately following telephone numbersto give clear, flash and ungarbled information.

1 1 2 - SOS emergency calls – European emergency number 
1 5 0 - Fire and rescue service (in case of fire, traffic accident, natural disaster threats) 
1 5 5 - Medical rescue service (in case of threat to life and health) 
1 5 8 - Police (in case of emergency by reason of criminal activity)

1 5 9 – Municipal police 

Try to always act calmly, responsibly, do not panic and do not spread unverified reports and information!!!

Note: The basic components of Joint Rescue Service:
- Fire and rescue service, 
- Providers of emergency medical services, 
- Control chemical laboratory of civil protection, 
- Mountain rescue service, 
- Mining rescue service. 

All components of Joint Rescue Service are interlinked each other to provide assistance. C A L L 112!!!

- name, address and phone number of the informing person, 
- type, time, date and cause of emergency situation, 
- visual charasteristics of the escaping substance (vapour, color, damage of the environment, etc.), 
- type and license number of vehicle, 
- type of packaging from which the substance leakages, 
- known number of affected persons, 
- a description of the health status of affected persons, including symptoms, 
- weather at the emergency situation area (wind direction, sun, rain, fog ,etc.), 
- the basic orientation points in the surrounding of area of emergency situation cause (bridges, channels, chimneys, tanks, higs trees, etc.).

055/6419 239, 055/6419 273
comk@kosice.sk, co@kosice.sk